Russian Model Aleksandr Sokolov Gets His Cock Out

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How is it that we haven't seen gorgeous Russian model Aleksandr Sokolov on the blog before? I don't know, but I'm fixing that now with a very special post of pics featuring the handsome male model showing off a little more than just his gorgeous face and damn fine physique.

I don't know if perhaps he's one of those models who performs on cam for a fan base, it seems to be more common now than ever before, but I think if he did he would be wildly successful at it.

It could just be that he published a few horny pics online some time and they've become attached to his persona. Whatever the reason, I'm cool with it, because he's a damn fine guy and he's got a lovely cock I think we'd all love to check out up-close :)

It's not like he's particularly shy, it seems he's quite fond of posing in the gym locker room with his cock out and there are some professional shots of the guy being a real tease. There are pro nudes, it seems, but I can't find the uncensored versions of them.

Enjoy him, admire, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers.

Most of all, have a great New Year's Eve, and whether you're going out to party or just chilling out at home like I am, I wish you all a Happy New Year. Let's all try to make 2020 awesome :)

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5 years ago

Love those abs!!!

5 years ago

Yes, he’s ab-tastic! Please, NEVER ink your body!

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