Russian Male Model Leonid Rusanov Shows A Little Flesh

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Of course, there's been a hell of a lot of negative press for the Russian nation over the last couple of years, and rightly so, but it's important to remember that there are some very good things coming out of that country. I know you're trying to think of some examples, and you might be having a tough time (seriously, other than Vodka and Ballet, what else is the country famous for?) but Leonid Rusanov is a good example.

Now, I know that he might not be everyones cup of tea (or shot of Vodka), but I think he has something about him. He's handsome in an unconventional way, and he has a fit body that he's not scared to show off - even though doing so in such a revealing way in Russia might plausibly mean prosecution.

Perhaps it's wise that this shoot was captured in Brooklyn instead.

Photographer Pavel Denisenko is the one responsible for these images, and a good job he's done too. I do enjoy some good black and white images, especially when they're creative and sexy like these.

Enjoy your Friday night guys, don't get too drunk, and don't end up in bed with someone you might regret meeting in the morning ;)

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