Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles!

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The next time you're wondering whether it's safe to go to Russia or not, you might just want to take a look at this post and see what you could be missing out on.

Sure, you could be harassed, abused, assaulted and even arrested just for being gay, but then it might all be worth it if you get to enjoy some real hunky muscled men like these!

ES Collection seems to be working overtime to polish the somewhat tarnished image of the aggressive superstate with their recent campaigns featuring some real impressive men from the former USSR, and I have to say that their efforts are working slightly, on me at least. I dare say these guys are working on you too, just a little lol

When I see shoots like this coming out of Russia I can't help but wonder... are any of these men into dick? I would have to say at least one of them is. I mean, you cannot really look like these guys without at least having had some man on man action, right?


I don't know, maybe it's just lustful thoughts clouding my mind, but I swear my gaydar is bouncing around looking through these buff men ;)

Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 10 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 9 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 8 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 7 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 6 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 5 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 4 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 3 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 2 Russian Hunks Flexing Muscles 1  

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10 years ago

The Russian models are all so studly, sexy, handsome, muscular, buff..need I say more? wow! 🙂

10 years ago

too much muscle for my taste

too little hair

Reply to  jj
10 years ago

The first guy is great. Toned, but not too muscled

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