Russian Buff Boy Butt – Tim By Marat Mukhonkin

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So you might have noticed that we had some "technical problems" here over the last couple of days, but you'll be glad to hear that this has all been worked out and things are back on track. And just in time too, because I have a very sexy young man to share with you guys, one that I wanted to get on here for you yesterday but couldn't.

His name is Tim, just Tim apparently, and he's a Russian hottie photographed by very talented Marat Mukhonkin.

I can already suggest several things that you guys are going to really appreciate about this guy.

First of all, he is undoubtedly very handsome. He has a great body too, ink free (some of you seem to like that, a little  lol) and he's pretty fit and buff too. He also has a nice patch of bush on show to tease us and have us wanting more.

Do I need to say much about that sexy, peachy bum?

I'm a little disappointed that we don't know anything else about him, I would love to find more photos of this guy to share on the blog. If you have any more info please leave a comment and share! ;)

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 1

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 2

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 3

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 4

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 5

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 6

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 7

Russian Buff Boy Butt - Tim By Marat Mukhonkin 8

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