Ruggedly Handsome Ryan B

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I don't know why companies do this to their models. It annoys me.

What I mean is, this guy is apparently "Ryan B". How the hell is anyone supposed to find out more about the guy appearing for a brand with a name like that? I think photo shoots should be about the model as well as the photographer and the brand being presented, and it doesn't really help the model at all to just state his first name.

So, although we know nothing about the hot young rugged hunk appearing in this shoot for Têtu, we do know that the pics were taken by Sasha Eisenman.

I'm not gonna talk about the fashion sense for these pics - mainly because I don't think there is any fashion sense behind it! Apparently it's called "Mega Force" and I guess there's supposed to be some kind of military theme to it. But seriously, I've heard of the fashion police, and I think the fashion army would be required to deal with this abuse of fabrics!

It's all about the sexy man in the pics for me, and his hot and slightly hairy body. He has an interesting look to him, but that tight bod is the real interesting thing for me. He's another guy who isn't into shaving everything off to look like a typical smooth guy that we see far too often.

I know I've said it before, but I like the way things are going with the increase in hairy men, real masculinity and hunkiness in the male modeling world. More of these guys please! And with their full names too! lol

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12 years ago

It’s Ryan Barrett.

steven w
steven w
12 years ago

I think his last name is Barrett.

Nick Russell
Nick Russell
12 years ago

I think I’d want to be paid extra to appear in those clothes!

12 years ago

he’s hot AND I do like the styling of this shoot!..the clothes are funky and it !


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