Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn

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Toby Leonard is one of those boys who might look a little rough and mean when you first see him, but I guess that's just the ink and the slight hint of masculinity about him. When you see him smile all that washes away and he becomes one seriously sexy and sweet boy you definitely wouldn't kick out of your bed on a cold night - or a hot night either!

There are a lot of guys like him where I live, and I guess I socialize in some of those circles. So many of them have some attitude on the surface, but once you get past that they are definitely all really sexy guys. Of course, I'm not saying that Toby Leonard has any attitude, I really don't know. Just looking at these pics I would say he doesn't.

So Jeff Hahn is the lucky photographer getting the chance to capture the handsome young man in these images, and he does a great job of it too. I really like black and white shots when the guys are muscled and hot, so I think these are just a little bit too dark - but that is just my opinion.

I would love to see more of this gorgeous young mans body in a shoot, and I think I'll have to have a look around the net to see if he's done any more shoots with a little more on show ;)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (1)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (2)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (3)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (4)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (5)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (6)

Rough And Sexy Toby Leonard By Jeff Hahn (7)

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12 years ago

Sexy looking man!

11 years ago

He has beautiful tattoos – I would like to see them in color

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