Roque Arris In Heels – Good Or Bad?

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When I saw this shoot featuring Roque Arris by photographer Arno Roca I actually wasn't sure whether it should be added to the blog.

You guys know I don't generally enjoy shoots that have been through a Photoshop wringer and come out the other end looking a little "off", but in this case I decided that the dude appearing in the manipulated pics was worthy of some sharing regardless of the weird painting effect applied to him.

He is a handsome guy, and I'm quite sure we've seen him on the blog before too, but never like this.

The androgynous style is not something we confront a great deal on here, but it seems to be creeping in with several photographers. I saw guys in heels and using fishnets in several shoots in 2014, and I'm wondering what the deal is here. Is there some craze going on that I don't know about?

I do get how some of it can be sexy, and these pics of Roque wearing heels definitely does something to me, but I'm just not quite sure what that something is lol

Anyway, have a good New Years Eve and enjoy a drink or two, I hope you all have a great night, see you in 2015!

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10 years ago

I think the androgyny thing here is good and sexy, if I may say so. The model really pulls it off very well here.

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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