Roman Alferov Needs To Reveal All For Us Asap

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Last week we enjoyed a great shoot by Stas Vokman with some gorgeous muscled hunks showing off their bodies and bulges in a very sexy shoot that had us all wanting more, and while I recognized some of the guys in that post I didn't know who Roman Alferov was. I managed to do a little digging and found some more of the stunning hunk in some more pics by Mr. Vokman, so of course I wanted to get them on here for you guys to check out! I was almost going to share this guy in a nude post, but as we don't get to check out everything I decided he would be better in a regular one, I think you probably agree with that choice given the naked pics we just had from Marco Mode. I don't know much about Roman Alferov, but that's because there is absolutely nothing else out there about him as far as I can see. Is this really the only shoot the gorgeous hunk has been in? He has an incredible body, and I mean truly amazing. I know a couple of guys like him and believe me when I say they get a whole lot of attention, and justifiably so. I'm wondering why this guy hasn't been in front of the cameras another thousand times since this shoot was released. Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him, don't you want to see more?

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