Rodiney Santiago In Very Little – Bulges!

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I think it's fair to say that Rodiney Santiago is one of those men who is seemingly rarely seen in photography in anything more than a pair of underwear or swimwear. I did a little searching on his name, and almost every image that came back was of him showing off that tight muscled body and some extremely sexy bulges.

Not that I'm complaining about that!

He's handsome, sexy, built and teasing. He's the kind of guy I'd see on the beach and be infatuated with for the rest of the day. Forget the sun and sea, and even forget the hunky lifeguards (almost), I'd be hooked on imagining all the fun we could have together. Who knows, maybe I'd even approach him and get talking ;)

So this collection of images is for Rufskin, showing off a new collection of swimwear for Summer 2012. Rodiney Santiago himself has had a lot of involvement in the design and creation of this collection too, being a collaborator and designer as well as a stunningly gorgeous hunk of a man.

So he's sexy as hell, smart, successful, talented, and with a delicious bulge too... Is he the complete package? f I see a pic of him cuddling a kitten I think I'd swoon. lol

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (1)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (2)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (3)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (4)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (5)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (6)

Rodiney Santiago In Very Little (7)

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12 years ago

With his bod clothes are NOT allowed! 🙂

12 years ago

Rodiney: You are one of the most gifted young models and will certainly enjoy a rewarding career. I really appreciate your words of wisdom and writings. You have so much to offer. Thank you for being respectable with your career; you are above the fray. Good Luck with all your work and please continue to just be awesome Rodiney.

10 years ago

What an awesome bod, one damn sexy hunk and yip I would drop to my knees in a heart beat….How do I go about getting the 2015 Calendar sent to me here in Johannesburg?

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