Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior

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After the post earlier about Donny Wright and his very special danger wank last weekend, I was horny as hell, and when I saw these pics of one of our favourite male models I was having some rather kinky thoughts I have to admit ;)

I guess that happens quite a lot though, just more so today after that story about Donny! lol

So this hunk is one of my favourite guys because he has the whole package going on. He's gorgeous, he's a little rugged and totally manly, and he has an awesome body with tight muscles and some fur too. I know not all of you guy are into the rugged men, but I think there are enough of you to back me up on this one.

The photographer for these pics is the very talented Lëo Castro, someone we have featured on more than one occasion for his male model work. He's one of those guys who really knows how to capture a gorgeous guy in just the perfect way.

Enjoy the hotness, and try not to get too caught up in the Donny Wright story like I have, you might not be able to ever jerk off enough thinking about it, it's a trap! lol

Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior (1)

Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior (2)

Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior (3)

Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior (4)

Rodiney Santiago For Revista Junior (5)

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12 years ago

HOT HOT HOT! Sexy, hairy, nice bulge!

11 years ago

the top and bottom pictures are the most flattering

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