Rock-Star Sexy Nicolas Simoes

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Where has this guy been hiding, anyone know?

I've only just found him, but what I've seen of the guy has me impressed. I love his look, and as you can see from the title he gives me the impression of a rock star with his sultry eyes, scruffy features and that lithe and sexy body.

He's French, but I guess now that I've said that you've thought "of course!" He has that look that just screams Frenchman and the name should make that pretty obvious too. I'm wearing my Dunce hat today, just so you know.

Although this is the first time I have encountered him he's definitely working hard to get himself out there and has a good career ahead of him. He's been traveling around the world working with various photographers and signing up with several agencies in different countries, which obviously increases his opportunities immensely.

Like I said, I love his look, especially his gorgeous eyes and that sexy body. He's handsome in a non-traditional male model way, if that makes any sense at all. lol

I've gathered together some random pics of the guy, ones that I thought are the sexiest, but let me know what you think about him too.

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10 years ago

Very handsome dude!!

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Piercing eyes!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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