RobertJFit Is Looking Hot For Teamm8!

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I think someone needs to tell male model and personal trainer RobertJFit that his proper name needs to be out there, at least somewhere. I went looking for more information on the guy and all I could find was an Instagram account. Apparently there is no full name to be found anywhere, only RobertJFit. I guess it doesn't matter too much, it's his handsome face and that amazing body we're really focused on here. It's a shoot for the Teamm8 brand, and a great one too. He's looking damn fine in their gear and definitely doing it all justice. After looking at these photos I confess that I was tempted to go and do some shopping, then I was tempted to go to the gym too lol And for just a moment consider what it would be like to have this handsome and hunky young man as your personal trainer. I've thought about getting one a few times in the past but never taken the plunge, if this guy was offered I think I probably would be. Enjoy his pics, leave a comment, let me know if you guys have any more info on him or you know of any other shoots. Have a great Hump Day guys! robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-1 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-2 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-3 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-4 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-5 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-6 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-7 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-8 robertjfit-is-looking-hot-for-teamm8-9

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