Risan Benishu Is One Seriously Sexy Muscle Hunk!
I already know that you guys are all gonna love Risan Benishu, so when you're done checking him out in this gorgeous shoot make sure you leave a comment at the bottom and maybe I'll get out there on the Internet and see what else I can find of this guy! :)
Lëo Castro is the photographer responsible for this amazing images of the hunk, showing off that amazing body perfectly and making us all imagine what it might be like to be up close and personal with the guy. Come on now, you're all thinking about what it would be like to get fucked by this dude! lol
I normally wouldn't say that about a male model, but when it comes to this guy I know it's what you're all thinking. He's one seriously powerful looking hunk with an awesome body, you'd all love to submit to this guy.
One of the best things about him (apart from that handsome face, that muscle and the package he's displaying) is the hairiness. He's just so masculine and impressive, and if he was shaved smooth he would definitely lose some of his appeal.
I know there are guys out there reading this post right now who prefer their men to be shaved and smooth, but this guy should have you wondering whether you've been wrong all along lol
Leave a comment, give him a thumbs up and share the post around too :)

Fun fact: His Facebook page says that he’s in a relationship with Dan Franic, and there are some hot pics of them if you Google Risan.