Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz

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We had some dirty pics of Mr. Gay Europe Miguel Ortiz on the blog before and it definitely got some attention from you guys, so I'm thinking that this more teasing shoot from DNA might get you all a little more hot under the collar when you see the pics!

Now, I have to say that I hate using the word Twink for a young man like him, because I think he's a little more defined and hunky than the average twink out there in the porn world. He's almost verging on Jock status in my opinion, maybe just a little more muscle and he'll be firmly in that category.

Still, the type of guy he is in the eyes of guys out there is of no consequence to me, the fact is that this young man is gorgeous, and a really sexy body and gets guys like me horny for more whenever I see him!

Joan Crisol is the photographer for this collection, and it's a really good one, not too over the top, just simple and sexy and showing him off in the perfect way. There's no need for any impressive backdrops or props with Miguel Ortiz - he's just an insanely sexy young man with a hot body, showing it off!

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (1)

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (2)

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (3)

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (4)

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (5)

Ripped Twink Miguel Ortiz (6)

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12 years ago

I don’t consider him a twink at all! Definitely one of the hottest young men ever! Instant wood!

11 years ago

I am happy to see him. He is so sexy and beautiful that I lost myself almost. He is a charming boy.

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