Ripped Muscle Model Bryce Thompson

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After commenting a little about a recent shoot by Rick Day of the gorgeous Joe Slaughter, and being less than gushing in my critique, I thought I'd better redress the balance and show what Rick Day is famous for. This man can get a real hunk of a male model like Bryce Thompson and really make him tease and play with the camera.

Obviously, I don't know if these shoots come from the mind of the model or the photographer, but I have a feeling the model sets the pace and the limit. But this is the kind of teasing awesomeness Rick is known for, and that's what I think was missing from his Joe Slaughter set.

Bryce Thompson is one of those guys who has an incredibly tight and ripped body. This is something I would love to aim for myself, with maybe a little more bulk. He has an amazingly defined body, and it needs to be shared very carefully in a shoot like this in my opinion.

But Rick Day definitely does his magic, and it creates a hot collection of really sexy shots, the best of which I've picked for this post.

The hottest thing about ripped muscle model Bryce Thompson? It has to be that chin! I know, how random is that? lol

Model Bryce Thompson (1) Model Bryce Thompson (2) Model Bryce Thompson (3) Model Bryce Thompson (4) Model Bryce Thompson (5) Model Bryce Thompson (6) Model Bryce Thompson (7)   Model Bryce Thompson (8)

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12 years ago

He is definitely a cut ripped hunk of a stud!

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