Ripped Hunks David Castilla And Rubén Dos Santos

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Everyone involved in this sexy collection of images has been seen on the Gay Body Blog before, and with good reason. First of all we have the awesome work of photographer Joan Crisol, a name we should all be pretty familiar with by now. Then we have handsome and sexy men David Castilla and Rubén Dos Santos, two models with gorgeous faces and incredible bodies who aren't shy about being incredibly teasing in their shoots. I would recommend searching for previous posts featuring both, there's some great shots of these guys on the site that you'll probably want to check out if you haven't already. When you put these three names together you end up with a post like this one, a beautifully shot series of images with two incredibly sexy guys by a very talented photographer, and although there's a lot here to appreciate we're still left wanting more. I have to admit that there's a certain amount of aspiration attached to a shoot like this. I don't know about you guys but when I see a couple of men like this in such a sexy shoot I start to work out a little harder and push myself a little more. No, I'm never going to look like either of these guys, but having just a little bit of what makes these two men so damn fine would be totally okay with me :) Enjoy their pics, admire them, hit that thumbs up button, leave a comment, do all that lovely stuff. Most importantly, have a fantastic Wednesday!

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James Denton
James Denton
7 years ago

They are so hot !

7 years ago

GREAT photos!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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