Ripped Hunk Rafael Medenca

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Rafael Medenca has the kind of body that stops me in my tracks when I go to the gym and someone like him walks past. Yes, I do still go, but I have kind of given up on ever having a body like this dude. I guess there comes a time when you just have to admit that you don't have the genes for a fit frame like this. I'm not doing too badly though, I still look sporty and jock-like even though I don't put as many hours in as I probably should.

There's a personal trainer I have a major crush on and he has a bod like Rafael Medenca too, so you can understand why I never got around to actually talking to the guy about helping me reach my gym goals. It's unlikely he would be able to help me anyway, mainly because I would probably end up banned from the gym for coming on to him lol

Rafael is showing off some of the latest in the Timoteo Athletico line, and he's doing an amazing job of it too. My underwear addiction was under control before I saw this shoot, but I think I'm having a relapse.

Anyway, enjoy his amazing body and that handsome face (don't look at the bulge unless you have some time to kill, you'll be stuck there for a while!)

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10 years ago

MORE please!! 🙂

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
10 years ago

Timoteo is good for him and “inversement”

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