Ripped Hunk Bar Elmakias Shows Off For Alon Feller

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I can't believe it's Thursday already. Where has this week gone? I guess it's mostly flown by because I've basically done nothing but sit at my desk. I think I'm gonna make up for that this weekend and find about a hundred things to do.

Going to the gym should really be one of them, and I'm more certain of that now that I've seen sexy jock model Bar Elmakias showing off his incredible body in this shoot by Alon Feller.

These are two brand new names for me, but I think I might have to take some time later to see what else I can find about both.

My friend James sent me these pics this morning so I can't say I know anything about where it's from or what brand or outlet is responsible, I can't even tell you anything about the handsome hunk featured because there doesn't seem to be anything out there about him, not even a social media account that I could find.

If you know anything then please leave a comment, I'd like to at least know a little about this sexy man.

Enjoy, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post around for your friends and followers to enjoy too :)

Most importantly, have a great Thursday.

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