Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro

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I love finding new guys that I've never had on the blog before, and when I saw Clauss Castro in a shoot I knew we'd never seen him here in the past. Lets just say that after checking out his hot bod I was eager to get the guys pics on here for you horny boys to check out and appreciate.

If you like the "classically handsome" men with some tight and ripped muscle then Clauss Castro is probably a guy you'll want to be checking out and enjoying.

As you can see from these pics Clauss Castro isn't too scared to get naked and show off for a photographer, which makes him an instant hit with me. I know there are a lot of gorgeous male models we love to see on here who have never stripped in front of the cameras before, and we love them anyway, but seeing a guy like this showing it all off makes him a little more special, and a lot more interesting to see ;)

Wong Sim is the photographer managing to convince this guy to get his kit off - although we don't really know how much convincing it would have taken. If you have a bod like that, surely you want to show as much of it off as often as possible?! lol

And you'll probably notice that tattoo on his arm making the clear statement "I can cross the line". I wonder what he means? ;)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (1)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (2)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (3)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (4)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (5)

Ripped And Nude Clauss Castro (6)

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12 years ago

fabulous but not nearly nude enough :>)~

12 years ago

I love it when you can only see a part of it

Juraj Zamek
Juraj Zamek
9 years ago


1 month ago

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