Ripped And Bulging With Blayne Spann

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You could probably guess that Blayne Spann is a fitness model, right? I've just discovered him and although these photos have definitely kept me interested for the last hour I really want more.

He's an American hottie from Oklahoma City and he's got it all going on. He's a real handsome man and he has an incredible body. These photos aren't actually the newest I've found but of the shoots he's been in I thought these were some of the sexiest pics. He's actually a little more muscled now than he was when these photos were taken by Stefan Mreczko, I'm not sure how long ago that was.

From what I gather he seems to be a little bit of a social media "influencer" too, or at least I get the impression that's what he working towards. Hey, if it works, and if he inspired people to get out there and do stuff, I'm all for it.

I can't say he inspired me to get to the gym this morning (seriously, it's sweltering hot again here right now and I just don't want to do anything) but on any regular day he probably could.

Check out that bulge. Do I really need to say anything about that? lol

Have a great Saturday, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button, and don't forget to share this post for your friends and followers to check out too. Have a great Saturday!

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