Ridiculously Sexy Cole Monahan

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The ridiculously sexy Cole Monahan is back on the blog today, simply because I couldn't resist sharing some more random photos of the outrageously handsome and sexy man.

He's one of those guys who hits all the right buttons for most of us, but he doesn't seem to be making it truly big just yet. We've seen him on the blog four times now (including this shoot) but there's not a lot of him out there other than what we've seen, when the Internet SHOULD be awash with this gorgeous guy and his amazing body.

I'm not sure what's going on really, this guy is definitely "supermodel" material, but it looks as though the industry hasn't caught on to this fact just yet.

For now it seems that the same few shoots appear over and over again out there, and a couple of shoots with numerous models appear with him as part of the gang, but he really needs to be in front of the cameras a hell of a lot more than he has been so far.

What do you guys think of him? Isn't he one of the most stunning male models in the business right now? Don't we all want a lot more of this guy?

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Henry James
Henry James
9 years ago

Greek god who has cum to Earth!!!

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