A Ridiculously Hot Bulging Hunk From Ergowear

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If you skipped over the gorgeous hunk showing off his thick dick in the last post (why would you want to miss out on that?) I'll just wish you a Happy New Year again, I don't want any of you to miss that. I really mean it too, I hope we all have a far better year than the one we just had. So, on to some hotness for you all to enjoy, and I think you're really gonna love this one too. I don't know who this handsome guy is, but if you have a name I ask, no, I demand, that you leave a comment and tell me more about him. I think he might be one of the most gorgeous men I've seen in recent weeks and I simply have to know more. He's so damn handsome, and he's got an amazing body too. The fact that he's showing off his bulge in some amazing Ergowear undies only makes him more delicious. You guys know I have a bit of an underwear fetish, but although I've kept it under control over the last year I really need to get out there and buy some, and I think I might start with what this guy is wearing (can I just pay a little more to get the exact pair he's slipped on? lol) Enjoy this gorgeous man, leave a comment, let me know if you have a name to share with me. Most importantly, I hope you all have a great New Years Day.

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7 years ago

He models that Ergowear so well!

Fernando Pedrero
Fernando Pedrero
7 years ago

His Instagram account is @nacholuna!!

james su
james su
7 years ago

Anthony Byrne

7 years ago

Thanks for the mention! =)

7 years ago

He could be Zac Efron’s brother.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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