Revealing Underwear Shoots – Anton Antipov and Chris R

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I actually found these images genuinely looking for some new underwear. Isn't it funny how an innocent shopping spree on the net can result in being distracted by some really delicious muscle boys posing in their skivvies? lol

I've added some pics of Anton before (he's the bigger muscle hunk of the two) in this post. in fact, I think he's become even more muscled since those shots too.

Both these guys are totally hot, and after looking through these tempting pics I'd almost completely forgotten that I was intending to shop. I guess that's a possible negative effect of having such delicious men modeling your product - if you're always horny like I am just the sight of all that muscle can lead you away from buying and into searching for porn. That's not what I did of course, I came here to share the pics with you guys instead. The porn comes later lol

Although not everything is on show in these pics, there's a lot to take a closer look at for the cock watchers out there. There's definitely something really sexy about complete nudity being obscured by just a little piece of material, and I guess it's even hotter when it's just a little bit see-through too. If you really pay attention though, you'll notice that Anton uses something to cover himself up in this shoot for Undergear, but I'm not sure Chris R has!

There's no doubt both these guys are hot. But personally, I prefer Chris R. And that's not only because he shows more! ;)

Sexy mens underwear Muscled Hunk Chris R in see through underwear Muscle Hunk Underwear Muscle guy Anton Antipov Hung Jock Bulge Gorgeous Muscle Jock Chris R Gorgeous Anton Antipov Anton Antipov

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13 years ago

How do you say, “Yum,” in Russian?

13 years ago

Who cares–I I would love to have a night with either one–i bet they wouldnt leave later!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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