Remembering Greg Plitt

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Two days ago the fitness and male modeling world was rocked by the news that legend of health and fitness Greg Plitt was tragically stuck and killed by a train in Burbank, California.

We couldn't let this pass without adding a post on the Gay Body Blog appreciating him in some way. It would be deemed somewhat shallow to exclusively talk about his appearance, because there was far more to this man than just his physique. So, I hope you'll consider this post to be not merely about how attractive and fit he was, but consider it inspiration too - something I believe he would have approved of.

Obviously, the man was stunning physically. He was dedicated to his healthy lifestyle in a way that really helped others to achieve their own goals. It would be impossible to see this man and know a little about him and NOT be inspired to want to work harder, push yourself and become what you want to become.

He appeared on the cover of just about every fitness and male health magazine you can consider to be worth reading, and gained so much acclaim and appreciation for his work not only as a trainer, fitness model and reality TV star, but as an actor too.

I have no doubt that he will of course be missed by those close to him, but we should take some time to remember just what an amazing inspiration he was to so many. Gone too soon at just 37 years of age.

R.I.P Greg Plitt.

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10 years ago

Rest in Peace Big Guy! 🙁

joe dillon
joe dillon
10 years ago

i do not understand how this happened. one report said he was filming while on active train tracks. he did not seem that dumb. what really happened? sad. tragic..and UNNECESSARY

Reply to  Conran
10 years ago

Huffpo,I think, just reported that he was high on energy drink and was trying to outrun the train, believe it or not.
No further comment on my part.

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