Religious Man Mike Stallone Takes The Uncut Jock Cock Of Handsome Gabriel Clark

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So here we are again at the end of a hot week of hunky dudes, and I have a couple of posts for you today that should have you sitting up and paying attention. I'm starting it off with the Friday hardcore gay porn post you all love to see so much, and with a video at the bottom too! :)

I was looking through all the possibilities for hardcore shoots this morning, and this new one with uncut jock Gabriel Clark fucking the cum out of Mike Stallone on the Men Of Montreal site was the obvious choice.

I have to admit that it was the fact that it stars uncut jock Gabriel that really helped me to make that decision too. He's a handsome guy with a great body, but that hooded dick is something I know a lot of you guys get off on just as much as I do.

The religious theme to this one (which is part 2 of  The Journey) is supposed to be important, I guess, but to be honest it's all about the action for me. I must be immune to the supposed "controversy" of scenes like this one lol

I'm gonna shut up now and just let the pics do the talking, scroll to the bottom for the trailer.

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9 years ago

uncomfortable but…intriguing?

i don’t know…with so much wrongdoing in the catholic church, it doesn’t seem right.

set something in a seminary or monastery…now we’re talkin. i had a friend that was studying to be a priest. he said he had the MOST sex he ever had during his time in the seminary.

he’s a flight attendant now.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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