Reader Suggestion – Vinicius Camurca

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I love getting suggestions from you guys out there about who we should add to the blog and show off for all the fans, and this one really caught my eye. Thankfully there's enough out there of the handsome and buff Vinicius Camurca to share with you in a post, and we have reader Lucas to thank for this.

As you can see from these photos there is a lot to love about this young Brazilian hunk. At only 18 years of age he already has the jock body of a hunk in his 20's, and a look that every one of us can appreciate. That smile is especially sexy and noteworthy. If he smiled in my direction I would be putty in his hands, able to be talked into doing almost anything - although I have some very specific ideas about what I would WANT to be doing ;)

There is not an image in this collection that I don't love, but it has to be said that the ones with him wearing a long and baggy vest top are incredibly sexy, and I'm not entirely sure why that it. Perhaps it's because it suggest nudity beneath, and that's something we would all want to see.

Enjoy him, I know you will. Thanks again Lucas!

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1 year ago

His smile’s enough to get me hard.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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