Reader Recommended – Joshua Buscher

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I love it when I get suggestions for guys to feature. It doesn't always work out of course, because occasionally there just aren't enough photos out there big enough to look okay or something like that. But in this case I was very happy to find that there is quite a lot out there of this young man.

I am of course talking about Joshua Buscher, and it's not so surprising there's a lot out there, because this guy has been pretty busy over the last few years!

I have to thank Grover for sending in this suggestion too (thanks man!) he obviously has very good taste in men and knows what we like here on the blog ;)

So, being a pesky European, I actually don't know anything about Joshua Buscher. From what Grover mentioned in the email this guy is an all-round celeb though, one of those people who happens to be famous because they just keep appearing everywhere! It's almost like they generate their own fame from within themselves and it somehow becomes manifest lol

He's been on America's Got Talent, Smash, and appeared in West Side Story and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, on Broadway no less! Like I say, I don't know much about him, but I know he's a hottie, and that's what's important here lol Thanks again Grover! Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (1) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (2) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (3) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (4) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (5) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (6) Reader Recommended - Joshua Buscher (7)

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12 years ago

So what’s that show he is featured in these pics? Is that Broadway mainstream? His front is great but do I dare say his bare behind isn’t the best looking 🙂

Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
12 years ago

Thanks for posting these pics! Josh is not only beautiful and talented, he’s a very nice guy as well. That you posted his pics shows once again that you have great taste! Thanks! 🙂

12 years ago

a very hot package all the way around ! He should lose the speedo and make my day.

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