Reaching For Jock Stereotypes With Edge Underwear
If you know anything about me you probably know I have a bit of a thing for the stereotypical American jock. I don't know why or where it comes from, except I can think back to my formative years and remember lusting after jock-type guys in American horror movies and comedies of the 80's and 90's, so maybe that's it?
They always seemed to be pretty hot, right?
The Edge Underwear brand is really going with it in this sexy shoot with an unknown and unnamed gang of handsome and fit young guys. It's a little cliche to have an American Football theme, but even though I want to make jokes about it I have to admit it's pretty sexy! lol
Yeah, I'm strange like that.
Like I said, I don't know who any of these guys are but if you have any names to put to those handsome faces (and sexy bodies) then please let me know in the comments so I can go and waste a few more hours of my working day checking them out, and sharing them with you :)
Have a lovely Saturday guys. If the sun is out where you are, go and enjoy it and think of me here in drizzling blighty.

Very nice
Thank you, Edge!