Raw Threesome Fucking In Slay Away Camp, Part 2

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Just a couple of days ago we enjoyed the first scene in Slay Away Camp, so of course I had to get this new video of raw threesome fucking here on the blog.

The campiness of this story is actually really fun.

They're not taking any of this seriously, but that's what we would expect from MEN.com when it comes to Halloween lol

We're back at Rainbow Lake Camp when the big baddy strikes and claims his first victims.

You'd think everyone else would be jumping in the nearest car and getting the hell out of there, but where's the fun in that? Like all the slasher movies in this genre the story relies on a lot of ridiculous choices lol

Arno Antino, Leo Louis and Marcus McNeil flee to a nearby cabin and barricade themselves inside.

We would all be crapping ourselves, but these guys can't seem to focus long enough on anything but their cocks.

With a killer on the loose and all their lives in danger, they decide that now is a good time to suck dicks, fuck each other and splash some cum loads!

Check out some raw threesome fucking pics and click here for the video. I definitely recommend it for a giggle and a wank :)

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