Raw Locker Room Sex With Michael Boston And AJ Sloan

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Some good raw locker room sex is gonna improve the start of your week.

It's Monday and we all know that means we need some good horny entertainment. I've got some hotness for you with this new update!

It's Tales From The Locker Room 3, and it stars big man Michael Boston and his sexy bottom buddy AJ Sloan.

Just the title would have me intrigued.

We all love locker rooms, right guys?

Michael is playing the part of the hot show off and he's enjoying the fact that AJ is watching every move he makes.

If you've ever been a regular at any gym you've probably seen guys like him. They provide me with quite a bit of entertainment on the rare occasions I can be bothered to go and work out lol

Everyone loves the dudes who just let it swing free and heavy.

With no one else around to interrupt them it's just moments before AJ is sucking on that swelling dong.

While for you or me a locker room encounter might be limited to hand jobs and some sucking, these guys are getting the full feast.

Or, AJ is getting the feast lol

It's a full-on raw locker room sex scene with slurping, rimming and bareback fucking. And of course it all finishes up with some hot loads being splashed!

You're probably not gonna see this happening in the locker room at your gym, but if you have leave a comment. I really want to hear about it. Honestly, I want all the details!

Check out some of the pics and click here to enjoy the video. I've been enjoying their sporty locker room action and I know some of you are gonna be jerking it to this one :)

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10 months ago

Michael Boston is the anti morbidity

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