Random Nude Guys For An Unknown Photographer, Help Me Out Readers!

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I'm currently sat on my couch with one leg up on a stool and an ice pack on my calf, browsing the Internet and checking my emails. I'll elaborate on all that in the next post, but in the meantime check out the pics I just got in an email from a reader, they cheered me up a little :) Someone sent me these great pics of a random collection of guys showing it all off and I have absolutely no info about it, but when I looked through these guys and saw the diversity of the shoots I knew they had to be added to the Gay Body Blog for you guys to check out and enjoy. The problem is, knowing nothing about these guys or the photographer involved I have very little to talk about in this post! I can talk about the fact that these guys are all amateur models and they're not the stereotypical buff and handsome jocks we so often see in front of the cameras, and that's one of the reasons why I really wanted to share them on the blog. Perhaps this is one of those opportunities to show that sexual appeal and attraction comes in all different forms. Guys can be sexy and hot without being A&F models or gay porn stars. I guess we know that already, though. That's one of the best things about the Internet too; anyone can put themselves out there and find an appreciative audience. Enjoy these guys showing it all off, leave a comment, give them a thumbs-up at the top of the post too. random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-1 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-2 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-3 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-4 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-5 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-6 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-7 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-8 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-9 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-10 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-11 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-12 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-13 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-14 random-nude-guys-for-an-unknown-photographer-15

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Rakesh Kumar Duan
Rakesh Kumar Duan
8 years ago

All these photographs are by the photographer Freddy Krave, the first pic here is he himself. He has a tumblr page too.

8 years ago


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