Random Nude Buddies For Your Sunday!

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Here, have some nude buddies to end your weekend :)

As you might know, I'm a bit of a collecto. I have a lot of sexy dudes in a couple of folders on my desktop, so I decided to share some of them!

I do this now and then. Mostly it's just so that I feel my collection has a purpose. I really don't know why I save so many photos to my computer. Maybe it's because I started out back in the days of dial-up?

Let me know in the comments if you started out with dial-up, and whether you collect pics too :)

So, I spent a little while wondering what kind of theme to go with. We've done big cocks, uncut guys, selfies, and all kinds of other themes. Then I noticed how many pics I had just of nude buddies showing off their goodies together.

This is a popular theme out there, especially on my socials.

No doubt you can recognize some of these guys. I think at least half of them are either porn stars or indy creators. That doesn't make them any less sexy, of their cocks any less worth seeing :)

They're just showing it off, chilled out and having fun. That's probably what makes these pics so sexy.

Anyway, enjoy them and help me justify my collecting habits lol

Have a great Sunday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for the start of another week!

If you want more nakedness click here for posts in the nude category, there's a lot.

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Robert Adkins
Robert Adkins
5 months ago

Picture number 4. The always invitable Connor Habib. His book hawk mountain is an excellent read

5 months ago

trois beaux duos souriants : c’est déjà ça

Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
5 months ago

Lindo (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)

2 months ago

these wellhung nasty hustlers are all owned and controlled by the Russian ashkenazi mafia. drugged and lubed until their shelf date expires then down the Rothschild toilet bowl.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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