Random Hotties From The Web

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You guys know that I'm basically addicted to the web, right? I mean, I know how to put my phone down when I'm with company (don't you just HATE it when you're hanging out and your friends are on Facebook? I feel like slapping them with their own phone) but I find myself at a loose end a lot and I get on the web and look around at random hot guys.

I have a good collection for you guys today, some random hot guys not showing everything off but showing enough to be totally hot and sexy. I have a feeling that a lot of these guys have used exactly these pics on a Grindr profile ;)

Of course I can pick out a fave from these guys, and it has to be the guy with amazing body, a little rough and short fur and those US flag boxer shorts. That's such a tempting bulge I'm feeling kind of patriotic, and I'm not even American lol

I know I'm not the only one who would love to be on my knees in front of him sliding those down to his ankles ;)

Enjoy the pics, there's quite a lot more to come!

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