Random Dudes Flashing Some Dick For The World

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I love dick pics. I know I've said it before, but one of the best things about the Internet is all the guys who share their cocks with the world. I know a few dudes who do it, mostly uploading faceless shots of their bod and cock to random sites for others to comment on, but now and then I find out about a buddy sharing his dick with the world. I guess some of you have that friend too, right? Maybe you are that friend? I'm sure you'll leave a comment and let me know :) I found out another buddy of mine has been uploading some dick pics to a couple of sites this weekend. He was outed by one of our other buddies on Saturday. He was a little embarassed about it, but when we brought his pics up on a phone and checked out the goods he actually has a lot to be proud of. It's funny, most of the guys there were straight, but they all seemed just as eager as I was to check out his junk and compliment him on it, after a good amount of ridicule too, of course lol Check out these guys with something to share with the world. I have a couple of faves here. The uncut guy in the verty badly decorated living room had a great cock I wouldn't mind playing with, and the guy enjoying some naked fishing with his big dick out and hard looks like he would be a fun dude to spend an afternoon with. Let me know what you guys think, especially if you've had any dick pic experiences. Leave a comment, hit that thumbs up button, share the post around out there! jerking off in bed hung and uncut guy with his cock out hung naked straight guy hung straight guy flashing cock in a mirror naked ginger guy outside naked jock hard while fishing blond uncut twink hard hard cock out while driving wanking a hard uncut cock on the coach

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1 year ago

Hey, any one up for some head??

Reply to  Fuzzyhunk
8 months ago

Are you the face or the cock? Both look great.

8 months ago

First 2 are best, I’d say. The cap on #1 could keep me busy for a while.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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