Random Cocks From The Internet

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I'm having one of those horny days today, and you know what a guy like me does when he's having one of those... gets on the Internet and admires some sexy dicks! I've been spending a little time out there looking around this morning and I thought you guys might appreciate a post of dicks, some of the guys I've been checking out and admiring. I think there's a pretty hot mix of random dudes showing off their man meat in this post, but I have a favorite, of course. The second guy is one of the most gorgeous in the bunch, and combined with his hot jock body and that long uncut dick he's definitely the most impressive for me. I know we've seen him before on the Gay Body Blog, but I can't remember his name. I can't even remember if he's a male model or a porn star, but I'm guessing he's the former because I think I would remember if I'd seen him stroking that dick and shooting off a load. Take a look at these hot guys and let me know in the comments which of them is your fave. Could you pick just one or are you feeling greedy? lol

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7 years ago

I want the first guy. That combination of muscles, c-ring, and big dick are extremely sexy.

7 years ago

All uncut! YUM!

7 years ago

I want to have the first guy inside me! His big dick and cock ring are turning me on.

3 years ago

I concur with your assessment of number two, so ripped strong torso atop powerful thighs. Lush pit hair and whisping chest stubble that one could stoke or run your face across lapping at a nipple or two…I’getting lost in lust…

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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