Quinn Christopher Jaxon Is Back To Show Off Again

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It's been so long since we last saw handsome and hung Quinn Christopher Jaxon getting his cock out for a photographer, and while I thought he might have left the modeling business and moved on to something else a while ago it looks like I was wrong.

I think (don't quote me on this) that this shoot by photographer Harold Cooks is new. I'm saying that because I'm pretty sure I'd already seen every photo this handsome and horny guy had ever been in and I spent far too much time trying to track down more before running out of options.

He doesn't look like he's aged a day.

The last time we saw him on the blog was back in November, and that wasn't a new post. He was at his height back in 2012, and he really doesn't look like he's changed much at all in that time.

Either way, it's awesome to see that dick again. He's one of those guys who has that sexy and creative attitude where showing off everything for the cameras isn't a big deal even if he's not inclined to get into hardcore porn (as far as I know).

He's gorgeous, I would love to spend some time exploring that dick :)

Check him out, click through for his past posts, and leave a comment too! Most importantly, have a great Saturday.

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1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass baaby.

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