Quentin Hubert Looking Dreamy In A Shoot By Nicolas Aristodou

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After enjoying the sexy photos of Josef Lauvers naked out in a field today I got thinking about the work of French photographer Nicolas Aristodou and I was lamenting at how it's been a while since we last enjoyed one of his hazy Paris shoots. So, naturally I went out there looking for a collection of photos by him that we hadn't seen before now. I struck gold with this one too. Take a look at sexy Quentin Hubert, lounging around his apartment and looking lovely in nothing but some sexy tight little underwear. I can't imagine a better way to spend a Saturday morning than with a handsome young man like this guy wearing next to nothing. Okay, maybe wearing nothing at all would be better, but I'm sure we would get to that eventually, after breakfast lol I really do love these shoots by Aristodou, he's such a talented guy and he picks some of the best models for his shoots too. I love this whole theme of a morning in Paris at the height of summer. Leave a comment below if you want to see more of his work, or this model. I can guarantee you that I'm always out there looking for more of this guys images, and now Quentin Hubert is on my list of models to keep tabs on too.

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8 years ago

Very handsome indeed more pics! please

8 years ago

Sweet physique. Looks like a fat one and some low-hangers in there.

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