Punk Jock Model Richard Rocco
Okay, I know some of you are not huge fans of the ink and piercings and all that kind of stuff, but I think a lot of you would be willing to overlook that when you see this gorgeous young man and his incredibly fit body.
His name is Richard Rocco, and although I have never seen him out there before now, I think he might be making it onto my top ten list of guys to lust after. I can't help it, I am totally a sucker for a handsome young man like this.
I don't think I'm the only one looking at these first few pictures by Michael Stokes and imagining this guy slipping out of those overalls. What is it about blue overalls on a hunk like him that makes them sexy?
Isn't that interesting? You could put those on any other random guy and they probably wouldn't be a uniform look to lust after in the same way that a cop or fireman is, but put them on a guy like this with a little muscle showing and suddenly overalls are really hot lol
No doubt about it, Richard Rocco can change my oil any time he damn well likes! ;)

I love tattoos and piercings. This is your blog, mate. Do what pleases you. 🙂
Nope. Any ink, any piercings — ANY — strongly suggests a guy is way too in touch with his feminine side to be of ANY value. Even with muscles, hero to zero in a millisecond. And, really, it’s not just the actual self-mutilation itself — as hideous as it is, — it’s the exercise of extremely poor judgment that nixes any attraction. Sorry.
I really don’t get this almost militant expression of disgust for such an ancient art form, seriously.
In a world where so many people are expected to conform and be the same as everyone else, perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect facial features and the same clothes from the same brands that everyone else is wearing, I appreciate diversity and originality.
I find it quite odd that the gay community, with a history of supporting individuality and the expression of oneself, is so vocal when it comes to attacking others based on nothing more than physical appearance.
It’s a quandary that I don’t think I will ever fully understand.
Boy, Conran, are you clueless. Look around … self-mutilation (and all other self-destructive behavior) has become the norm. Being a “rebel” is the standard today … so much so that it no longer qualifies as remotely unique. And, to correct you on point, it is the artist’s self-expression, not the wearer … unless he is inking himself. If the inked fellow wants to really show HIS view of the world, he needs to paint the picture, carve the sculpture, or compose the symphony. Seriously, no diversity, no originality and, for me, no thanks. By the way, I am also a Republican so, from the beginning, I decided to care less what the “gay community” thinks of me. Unlike these inked monstrosities, I have no interest in fitting in. May the peace of the Lord be with you.
Right, so “self-mutilation” has “become” the norm, because of liberal ideology no doubt?
You should tell that to the women of Namibian tribes who have – for centuries – been using body modification to elongate their necks. Or, you might want to tell other African and South American communities that their traditional body piercing methods are culturally irrelevant. And the women of India who have, again for centuries, adorned their bodies with piercings and decorative stain for celebration are, in your view, just copying something fashionable…
Really, I think you’re rather clueless, and come across as another conservative traditionalist with such a narrow view of the world you simply hate anything you can’t understand or that you feel threatens you in some way.
Thank you for offering me “peace of the Lord” but I really do not require it. You should keep as much peace as you can for yourself, because you seem to need it.
Hardly. I live in area populated with a lot of inked marines — hardly a hot bed for clueless collectivists like yourself. Inking, as you pointed out, has become common in the U.S. because of a human tendency to follow silly fads to be part of the “in crowd.”
But, then you went awry. Affirming your Pagan leanings, you predictably defend primitive 3rd world traditions [BTW, I would gladly tell those societies you refer to but they are too busy breeding children they cannot afford to support because that is also part of their “cultural norms”.] that strongly suggest YOU are among those refusing to evolve. BTW, I don’t hate or fear anyone who engages in self-mutilation. I simply ignore them. They are not worthy of any other response. They crave attention more than anything else and why should I enable that?
You’re welcome, sir; fortunately, for you, God’s love is with you always whether or want Him or not.
YOU FN KIDDING RIGHT? GOD I HOPE YOU ARE TROLLING – if you are serious – enter and study any other culture other than the united states – OH wait – ACTUALLY STUDY THE UNITED STATES AND THE LADY LIBERTIES TERRITORIES!!! Ever been to Hawaii? Guam? US Virgin Islands? Hell – I will even stretch and say Puerto Rico and many parts of Louisiana and the south… Tats/Piercings… Body art in general… They are not only something sacred and revered but to associate them with a feminine side shows you grew up with parents with the 1950’s mentality. Interesting you are gay but associate body art with femininity. eh, whatever. You probably call any asian you pass yellow rather than looking into their culture and hate President Obama (and america) for being black. And then you say you are sorry? Sigh…. If you are sorry – then do something about it and study body art rather than making crazy assumptions. I will not apologize to you and I am no hippy, but PEACE!!!
Excuse me?
Disagree if you wish, but be freakin’ polite, please!
Conran has been willing to engage in what has now degenerated into rude and rather disrespecful statements with no apparent support.
Even if Conran is not offended, I am. Please stop acting like a jerk.
Wow, this comment thread is so interesting ten years later. I forgot all about this. Thanks for bringing it back to my attention.
I wonder if Curious has evolved in the last decade?
I would love to have this man on me !