Powerful Hunk Steven Stange Is A Muscle Daddy We’d All Love To Be Roped Up By

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I think we can all understand how and why Mr. Steven Stange got into modeling. With a face like that it would be almost criminal for him not to pose for photographers.

I don't know how on Earth I've managed to miss out on his hotness up until now but at least we have him in our sights finally.

Photographer Blake Yelavich is responsible for bringing this gorgeous hunk of a man to our eyes, and we're all extremely glad that he has.

I can't tell you very much about Mr. Stange but I can inform you that he's a model and a writer, definitely not a personal trainer. That makes a nice change, doesn't it?

He clearly works out, but his body isn't built just from the gym. He's a contractor. There are no specifics about what exactly that means but I'm guessing he's doing a little more than electrical or painting.

Can we spend a moment just talking about that cock bulge? We might not see a whole lot in these very carefully posed positions but I think that first pic of him in those super snug shorts tells us much of what we want to know.

Damn, he's fine!

Let me know in the comments below what you think of him, although I can imagine you're all gonna enjoy him as much as I am right now.

Have a lovely Wednesday!

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3 years ago

He can rope me up, rope me in, rope me through, rape me!

J.A. Fludd
J.A. Fludd
3 years ago

He needs to show us the rope.

3 years ago

So shy.

3 years ago

CONRAN STOP. GIVE US TIME FOR AIR!! (I’m going backwards from the latest dated post and after the last post and now this hunk, my god I’m going to have to check my health insurance coverage and I’m only in my 50’s. Spectacular.

3 years ago

à défaut de ficelles, il connait les cordes pour ne pas être dedans

graham louw
graham louw
3 years ago

stunning body…want to see his own rope-cock bulge WOW
wonder if hes uncut?
And those legs ?

1 year ago

Hi,ur cute –rrrrr wanna fuck.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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