Pouting Brazilian Model Robson Costa Rosa By Manny Fontanilla

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Allow me to introduce the handsome and ripped Robson Costa Rosa.

I just saw these photos and wanted to share them with you guys for a nice Saturday post on the blog, even though I had a couple of reservations about that pout. No doubt the guy is handsome and one of his main features is that totally kissable mouth, but I'm always a little turned on when it looks like a model is doing that "typical" pout for the cameras.

It's a shame, because it really could be genuine. But, I always immediately think "poser" lol

Still, that won't detract from his handsome looks, that incredible jaw, that chest and those abs... There's a lot more too of course, and I'm hoping that we might see a little more in future shoots with this guy. I think it's fair to assume that we're going to see this hot hunky young man again in the coming months.

The photographer showing him off for this shoot is new to me too. It's Manny Fontanilla, someone I'm sure we've never shared on the blog before, but again I think we'll be seeing more in the future.

It's a nice shoot with a sexy guy, I'm just not sure about that pouting ;)

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