Porter Wescott And Josh Conners

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Okay guys, it's Friday! I'm just working out my plans for a night out and I have one of my horny buddies joining me. I think the plan is to head out and snag a hot guy for a threeway. We don't actually do that very often, and it's been a long time since we went out with that intention. Normally we just call up a friend and invite him over. But I guess my buddy wants a little adventure tonight!

So, I'm getting in the mood by checking out some of the horny new videos over on the Randy Blue site. I always want to share a hot video with you guys here when I find one worth commenting on, and this one is one of those that had to be shared here for you guys.

Both these guys are pretty hot, and I love the contrast of smooth and hairy. I get off on the lean look when the hot guys are so tight, and these boys definitely are. Porter is one of those fan favorites every guy loves to see in action, because he really is pretty intense to see!

And since Josh Conners was filmed jerking it outside in the woods for his debut (which I featured here) he's really had a lot of requests to get back in front of the cameras with another dude. So for this one he doesn't just get back on set, he really goes all out and takes his first paid pounding on video too. From the look on his face, and the impressive load at the end, he really enjoyed himself too!

Josh Conners and Porter Wescott

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