Porn IQ Challenge: Can You Ace All Five Levels?

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In many ways, pornstars work much harder than mainstream actors because they have to stay true to their brand. Gerard Butler didn't have to maintain his abs after his breakout out role in "300". Meanwhile, Diego Sans, Roman Todd and Jakub Stefano have managed to keep their signature physique in peak condition continuously for over more than 20 years.

For some performers, the passage of time can make their faces or bodies unrecognizable from the original image that fans fell in love with and idolized. For other performers, time is needed to grow into their superstar looks and godlike physiques. We're going to test your porn IQ by challenging you to identify five performers (nude models and video performers). For each performer, we will provide two images as clues to each person's identity. The first three should be relatively easy with the help of the images. The fourth and fifth performer swill be a challenge. We trust that in the spirit of the challenge you will not cheat and Google the images.

This post was inspired by this image of our favorite fitness model Dmitry Averyanov wearing heavy make-up and styled as a blonde mythical character bedecked in layers of opulent jewelry. The severe lighting and heavy make-up did a great job of obfuscating Dmitry's familiar features as a brunette. Despite all the distracting bling, one look at that sculpted body underneath is sufficient confirmation of the model's identity.

I must reward myself with images of our beloved Dmitry looking his handsome hairy best, complete with facial hair and styled as a masculine brown-haired beauty.


Apart from taking part in some fun and nostalgia, the first 20 members who respond correctly to all five challenges will have the chance to choose a video clip or packet of images from my private collection of extremely rare and beautiful men. You can respond in the comments section or use the Contact Form to send your answers.

Challenge No. 1


Challenge No. 2


Challenge No. 3 (only one image as clue)


Challenge No. 4 (only one image as clue)


Challenge No. 5


Challenge No. 5 is intentionally difficult but very gratifying when the answer is revealed. So please don't be tempted to cheat and ruin the nice surprise I have planned for the answer reveal. Good luck!

Some more Delicious Dmitry in motion just because he needs to be shared.

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