Porn Hunks For Addicted
I know for a fact that plenty of you guys are going to recognize more than just a couple of these Bel Ami models showing off their hot bods for the Addicted Underwear company. They know how to do things right there, and it always gets a lot of attention when there's a new shoot with hot young hunks like these.
I'm not going to trawl through and give each and every name, because I'm feeling a little distracted today, but feel free to share in the comments if you want to name some of them for your fellow readers. I know some of you are good like that!
Lets talk about one of the most obvious things here... BULGE!
I know they have a lot of very hung guys on the site, and I think this is proven by some of the impressive packages these guys are showing off. I suppose when you're teaming up with a porn studio for your underwear models you don't need to worry too much about whether they can adequately "fill" what you have to offer ;)
I think we all agree that these sexy guys certainly achieve the desired results.
I have a fave, of course, but can you guess which of these hot young fit dudes is the one I would love to spend some time with? lol

these guys are fairly easy to recognize. :p that are jack harrer (flesh tunnel), mark ruffalo (treasure trail) and jean-daniel (chagall; he “lost” his last name at belami because of some copyright issues or something like that). i love them all! 🙂 however, jack’s the only one really packing. mark and JD have “just” usual packages. 🙂