Pondering Male Beauty With Brazilian Model Victor DalCol

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Happy Saturday! I've been having a good morning so far. I got up super early and was sure that was a bad sign (for me it usually is) but then I bumped into a rather lovely neighbor while I was out on my morning walk and we're going for a drink later :)

So, now I'm in a pretty good mood, and finding this shoot with Victor DalCol made that mood even better.

We've seen this sexy Brazilian model before, of course, but it's been a while. This time he's looking a little leaner and more introspective in a shoot by photographer Juliana Soo.

This style reminds of the work by another photographer, but I can't remember their name. They've shot a lot of handsome guys with a mirror, in black and white, mostly nude but some with underwear too. If you know who I'm talking about leave a comment so I can go and look for them :)

This handsome guy is definitely sexy, and fit too. I remember when I used to have a body like that... those were the days.

If you've got it, flaunt it while you can.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think of sexy Victor, and please try to make sure you have a fantastic Saturday :)

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5 years ago

Nice! Handsome, nice body, clean.

5 years ago

Beautiful twunk.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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