Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner

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I've talked about the whole nationality thing a few times on the blog in the past, but I guess it's time I raised the issue again and asked you guys what you all think...

Which nationality is the sexiest when it comes to their young men?

You know what I mean, right? It seems to me that there are stereotypes when it comes to the handsomeness and sexiness of the young men of a country, and several nations seem to present different images of their young men. The all-American jock is an obvious one, the sexually driven tanned Italian is another, the adventurous and rough Australian is another well-known one...

Having known a few Polish men in my time, I have to say that they have a certain masculinity and playful sexiness that defies convention. I've learned that many young Polish guys don't look at sexuality in the same way, and while it may be a homophobic country (much like Russia) their youth are different.

This is Pawel Milner, a handsome and built young Polish man with an amazing body.

So, what say you, which nationality is the hottest when it comes to their young men? For me it has to be between the US jock and the Eastern European hunk. I'm inclined to move more toward the Czech men, but that might simply be because of all the stunning adult performers they insist on putting out there into the world lol

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (1)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (2)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (3)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (4)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (5)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (6)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (7)

Polish Jock Model Pawel Milner (8)

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11 years ago

Very nice sexy handsome man! 🙂

11 years ago

Exceptional on every level. Thank you for the early Christmas present, Conran.

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