Playing Gay With Argentinian Soap Star Cristian Sancho

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Argentinian actor Cristian Sancho is pretty famous. I guess all countries have their "must see" TV shows right? There's Eastenders in the UK, The Young and the Restless in the USA, Home And Away in Australia... and Botineras in Argentina.

And of course, all of them like to make a stir and create some headlines with some outrageous story lines. I think the USA goes all the way out there with some completely unbelievable plots, while in the UK it's pretty dramatic but at least believable. Botineras is kind of like this I guess.

Hunky Cristian Sancho is a straight actor, playing the role of a married soccer player who shares a horny relationship with one of his teammates. Yep, I know, you're now wondering if you can order it on DVD with English subs right? Me too!

The guy is so hot! I love a dude with some long hair, and he has the whole package; handsome, well built, the hair, the bulge lol

The chance to watch him getting just a little freaky with another sexy guy on screen would be pretty hot to watch, so I might have to go looking.

You might also like to know that he's appeared on the cover of a gay mag too, perhaps related to the story line in the soap although they claim they had no idea where the story was going. Still, any chance to see some sexy pics of this hunk...

I wonder if he did any research to play the role convincingly? Man, I would have loved to have been the gay friend he could have turned to to get a little experience for his on-screen performance!

Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (1) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (2) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (3) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (4) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (5) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (6) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (7) Gorgeous Actor Cristian Sancho (8)

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13 years ago

For everyone´s enyoyment, you can see Botinera´s parts that are about Manuel & Lalo (Manuel is this hunk´s character, Lalo his lover). All have english subtitles (turn on CC on youtube)

I too think about him being the ultimate hunk, at least for me. There are hotter pictures and videos out there. I personally like the last one the most, with the straighter hair 😉

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