Photographer Stany Carré Seems To Love Martin’s Uncut Cock

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Well, what a day it was yesterday, huh? lol

Okay, that's probably an understatement, and it could probably apply to almost any day of the last few years, but you know what I mean.

I have to confess that I've been struggling to focus and concentrate on work, but when I saw these photos of naked twink Martin and his uncut cock it didn't feel at all like work to be sharing him with you on the blog. This is a nice distraction from everything going on, right?

I know nothing about this young man but I think he's French, and I think we might have seen him at least once before here on the blog. He's a real cute young man, there's no doubt about that, and he's obviously not shy about getting naked and showing everything off for photographer Stany Carré.

I think it's also obvious that Stany Carré has a bit of an interest in that intact dick, it seems to be the focus for a lot of the pics in this shoot and I can understand why. A lot of men have a kind of fetish for intact guys and I can totally understand it.

These photos are sexy, kind of innocent, but very intriguing all the same. Let me know what you guys think in the comments and hit that thumbs up button before you head off and start paying attention to the news again lol

Have a lovely Thursday, may it be far better than Wednesday!

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4 years ago

” start paying attention to the news ” ????? Why for God’s sake, when you show us such a nice young man?
Uncut cock? Check! / Lovely pale blue eyes? Check! / Cheeky looks? Check! / Fuckable butt? Check! / Biteble nipples? Check! / Treasure trail? Check! / Moderate hairy? Check! / Suckeble nipples? Check! / Give that boy to me? CHECK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

Nice that somebody does.

3 years ago

He’s sexy as Hell but the pictures should be much better. They are out of focus.

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