Phenix Saint – Twink to Muscle Dude

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Okay, so I'll admit, I love porn. But if you're reading this then you probably do too, so I'm not alone in my private passion am I? Many years ago I remember joining one site full of boys jerking off together and experimenting. It was one of those "straight guy does gay things" sites.

And the moment I saw Phenix Saint I knew he was going to be big. Well, it turns out that I was right, but he's actually big in more ways than I expected at the time. Since those shoots of him showing off his twink body and jerking that pierced cock with some buddies, he's gone on to appear for almost every single gay adult site on the internet, and appeared in some of the most horny gay porn movies on the market. He's got it on with so many guys (and girls!) he's now officially a bit of a cock-slut.

And just look at him now! Sucking cock and fucking guys asses obviously agrees with him, because he's turned into one awesomely built stud.

And that dick is, of course, beautiful as ever. I'm not sure if he's dedicated to any one studio now, but I know almost every major gay site has featured him including Randy Blue (AKA Phenix Dardin). If you get the chance, you should check him out in action!

Phenix Saint Before and AfterPhenix Saint - Nice Butt!Phenix Saint - Floppy CockPhoenix Saint - Not so Straight These DaysPhoenix Saint - Working Out with some Buddies

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14 years ago

It was very interesting to see the before and after shots.
I wouldn’t have given him a second glance before, but now….HELL yea.

14 years ago


14 years ago

What’s URI?
Phenix is a natural hunk! Nothing pretentious, just has all the goods and knows how to use them. Wish more porn guys were like him and not EGO DICKS?

13 years ago

Check ou PS at He is brutal in latest role as a dom

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