Phenix Saint Bangs Billy Santoro

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Happy Friday guys! I guess more than a few of you are planning a night out on the town, and so am I, but before we get all dolled up and head out for some dancing and drinking I have some excellent posts for you.

I have to start off with a great gay hardcore porn post from the Men Over 30 site, starring a couple of guys I know a lot of you love. Phenix Saint and Billy Santoro are the guys in this one, with Phenix taking control and giving the hunky daddy dude every inch of his impressive boner!

I know Phenix is one of those guys that most of you either love or hate, but I have to admit that I've had a thing for the alternative looking dude since he started out as a nervous straight twink years back. He's changed a lot in that time, first becoming a jock, then becoming a punk, then becoming a musclebound bodybuilder ripped and bulging... he's obviously not going to the gym the way he was before, but he's still hot.

Billy is an eager bottom for the guy, and I think he might the one most of you prefer in this scene. The guy is a real hunk, the kind of horny dude I think most of us would love to get it on with. He certainly knows how to take it from a guy like Phenix!

Enjoy the pics, and come back for some more mainstream posting very shortly. ;)

Phenix Saint Bangs Billy Santoro 1

Phenix Saint Bangs Billy Santoro 2

Phenix Saint Bangs Billy Santoro 3

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Phenix Saint Bangs Billy Santoro 6

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