Perfectly Proportioned – Michael Holland For Timoteo

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I was never really into all the stereotypical things a gay boy is supposedly normally into. But, when you grow up gay you kind of get used to jerking off in the bathroom over the mens underwear pages, imagining yourself in the position of the chick in the late night dirty movie, and fantasizing about the long haired muscle hunk on the cover of the romance novel your mother is currently reading lol

I don't think I was along in all of that, was I? ;)

So, I have to say that when I got these pics from one of our friends over at Timoteo and saw Michael Holland, I was thinking back to those romance novels with the bare-chested muscle dude, long hair flowing in the wind and a skinny chick with "heaving breasts" up against him... lol

Please tell me I'm not alone in that either!

But, once I scrubbed that memory from my brain - which was easily done when I saw that bulging package! - I was able to appreciate this gorgeous muscular dude for what he is. And he is incredible. Everything all in one place; handsome, sexy, masculine, muscled, and very generously proportioned too ;)

The lucky David Wagner was chosen to take these pics, and I'm totally jealous of him.

Perfectly Proportioned - Michael Holland For Timoteo (1) Perfectly Proportioned - Michael Holland For Timoteo (2) Perfectly Proportioned - Michael Holland For Timoteo (3) Perfectly Proportioned - Michael Holland For Timoteo (4) Perfectly Proportioned - Michael Holland For Timoteo (5)

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13 years ago

DAMN he is a huge man! Handsome, long flowing hair, and yes I`ve dreamed of those romance novel coverguys to worship too! 🙂

Sassy Lane
13 years ago

He is delicious. 😉

Gene S
Gene S
13 years ago

As a teen, I never understood why I pleasured myself to the images of olympic swimmers or scantily dressed buff guys yet always romanticized about women and having a wonderful family. Well, I went both ways, and though I never regretted it, I was always far more physically charged by the uber masculine guy and attracted in a non physical way to the women that I always fantacized about being with. I guess this is the back bone of bisexuality. Now that I’m divorced from my wife, I have no desire to be with anybody physically other than men.

13 years ago

I remember having an awkward moment with friends when one of the department store catalogue underwear models got a gig on a popular tv soap. I was so excited but realised mid way through explaining to my friends who he was, it rather heavily highlighted my childhood obsession with the mens underwear pages…
He cant act but he is still amazing. I still hope for him every time I open the catalogue.

13 years ago

The big “T” never dissapoints!

Anthony Byrne
13 years ago

I want to rub his bulge and get him hard

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